1. Curled shakes appear to be "lifting". Do they lay flat?. The shakes that are curled may expose the inter ply roofing felt and after time, can jeopardize the roofing system.
2. Decaying shakes may appear "black" or a darker shade of grey than the other shakes on the roof. Can you see a vertical pattern of black shakes on the roof? This might be an indication of a more serious problem.
3. Ridge cap staples working themselves loose. Look at the ridge cap from a bedroom window or with binoculars. Look at the staples that hold the ridge cap together. Some of the ridge caps will crack and fall out, not protecting the roofing system from the elements.
There are more technical indicators that can help determine the integrity of the roofing system. If you are unsure, most qualified & licenced Roofing Contractors will give you a free inspection. Some might charge 50-80 dollars but I would not let that scare you. Just make sure they are experienced and come with references.

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