A Deep Quote
A Good Real Estate Indicator
ResMor Trust is offering prime rate on their 4 year variable mortgages which is currently the lowest available rate in the market.
Borrowers are happy but it is more than that. ResMor has eliminated the risk premium on their home loans which indicates they believe the Canadian real estate market is stable.
Couple this with the increased volume of home sales in cities like Calgary, shows our economy is improving. Home Renovators, Builders, Realtors and Home Inspectors should have more work in the last quarter. Maybe it is time to buy Home Depot stock?
National Certificate Accreditation
This program is the result of a collaborative effort between CMHC, Human Resources and Social Development Canada, Construction Sector Council and CAPHI.
The program was set up to ensure competency and professionalism of all Home and Property Inspectors on a national level.
Certification by the National Certification Authority is one of many Home Inspector Certifications available in Canada. ASHI, CAPHI and InterNachi are three other associations that offer certification to their members.
CMHC suggests consumers choose a Home Inspector who is a member, in good standing, of an association.
More Tax Credits Please
Prime Minister Harper commented,
"This government remains committed to that tax credit. It's a good idea. I would encourage all political parties to support it, and those that supported it in the past to continue to support it,"
Essentially suggesting that the Liberal Party wishes to eliminate the tax credit for home renovations.
A spokesperson for Mr. Ignatieff replied, "Canadians have no reason to worry."
This is not a political blog. I'm not on any "Team". I vote on the issues.
That said, I must say I am am happy the Conservative Party introduced tax credits for home renovations. What qualifies for credit has been fairly liberal. However, I would like to see more credits for energy efficient innovations and products for the home.
I am unhappy with the Conservatives using scare tactics to disorientate Canadians. Revoking tax credits for home renovations would be suicide and no party would entertain the thought.
Suggesting otherwise is scare mongering and uncivilized.
Go Team Canada
From September 1 to 7, 2009, 900 participants representing more than 50 countries/regions will compete in 45 skilled trades and technology categories ranging from welding to cooking, auto body repair to landscape gardening, and plumbing to Web design.
Team Canada's 38 members will be competing in 35 contest areas.
And, from Mike Holmes,
I'm proud of these young people, and their passion and commitment to 'make it right.' I look forward to seeing how well they all do in the World Skills Competition this year."
I'm proud of Calgary for hosting this event. I also think our Government is doing the right thing by giving a $,2,000 grant to students who successfully complete their apprenticeship training and become certified journey persons in a designated Red Seal trade.
I wonder if Home and Property Inspection will ever be a Red Seal trade? Should it be?
Help a Charity

Calgary bloggers, Home Inspection bloggers...all bloggers. Take a moment and help a charity. Contact Hotels Combined
Urban Photo - Calgary
If you appreciate urban photograph and well written posts, check out Urban Photo
Eco Friendly Building Products
If you are upgrading your HVAC system or building a new home, you should familiarize yourself with LifeBreath products.

The migration habits of Snowbirds
Columnist, Ellen Roseman recently wrote an article in The discussing some "traps" to avoid when buying property in Florida. She does mention being wary of homes with drywall imported from China, but does not suggest hiring the services of a Home Inspector - probably an oversight.
Washington State Adopts Home Inspection Licencing
In America, thirty-five States require Home Inspectors to be licenced. Washington is the most recent State to add legislation. Arguably, it has the "toughest" pre-licencing requirements of any jurisdiction in North America.
This is not to say Calgary Home Inspectors are not certified. There are a number of Home and Property Inspection Associations in Alberta that offer certification. ASHI, Caphi and InterNACHI to name a few.
The Canadian National Certification Program is not an association per se. It's function is to certify Home Inspectors on the national level. The certification process is the most stringent in Canada and is recognized by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
Atco, making the world smaller.
I smiled knowingly. I spent four summers during University living and working in Atco trailers.
My Ghanaian friend went on to tell me the hospital and school in his village were both Atco structures. For a time he thought "Atco" was the English word for house or building. One day his teacher informed him "Atco" was the name of the owner of the company that built "traveling" homes. Further, Mr. Atco came from Calgary, the same city the missionary teacher was from.
I explained to my new friend, there had been a misunderstanding. Mr. Southern and his family were the primary owners of Atco Group and the original name was Alberta Trailer Company. And, I did not know the guy.
For those that don't know, Atco Group started in Calgary during the late 1940's and evolved into a globally diversified and well respected company. The Southern family also built Spruce Meadows, an international equestrian facility. Go Calgary.
Get a grip. Prevent a slip. Install hand rails.
Hand rails on the steps are often overlooked and are later noted by a potential buyer's Home Inspector.
Some general guidelines below. Please check building codes specific to your location.
- No handrail required for deck stairs with 3 risers or less
- One handrail, if stairs are less than 43” wide
- Two handrails if stairs are 43” or wider
- Hand rail must have a graspable profile,
- 2X2 or a 2X4 sitting on edge, are not graspable
- Hand rails should be 32-36" above the stairs
- Baluster spacing should be 4 inches.
Home safe--not just for baseball.
Home Electrical Concerns?
- Federal Pioneer (Canadian) Electrical Panels & Circuit Breaker Hazards Federal Pioneer Electric Panel Recall
- How to identify Federal Pacific Electric FPE Stab-Lok electrical panels and circuit breakers
- Recalled Square-D Circuit GFCI Breakers and Counterfeit Square-D Breakers.
- What are the hazards of Zinsco or Zinsco-Sylvania electric panels?
- Kearney electrical panel identification.
Check out Inspectapedia. As always, leave electric repairs to qualified Electrical Contractors.
"As soon as you see a mistake and don't report it, it becomes your mistake".
A.D (Famous Home Inspector)
Grey Water Recycling in the Home
Simple sustainable innovations like this, will one day be mandatory in all new home construction in Canada.
Aluminum Wire
If concerned you should consult with an Electrical Contractor. While in your home, ask to have your GFCI and AFCI circuit breakers checked as well.
"It's a very sobering feeling to be up in space and realize that one's safety factor was determined by the lowest bidder on a government contract. "
320 Square Foot Home
Sitting in traffic, on their way to their suburban homes, I suspect some Calgarians think about downtown condos and wonder - how small is too small?