
Standards of Practice - Section 1


1.1 The Canadian Association of Home Inspectors (CAHPI) is a not for profit association whose members include the following seven provincial/regional organizations: CAHPI-B.C., CAHPI-Alberta,CAHPI-Sask., CAHPI-Manitoba, OAHI (Ontario), AIBQ (Quebec), and CAHPI-Atlantic. CAHPI’s objectives include promotion of excellence within the profession and continual improvement of inspection services to the public.

Source: National Certificate Authority Website


  1. This is very nice blog because information provided here through the article and the pictures are very effective. Because sometimes words cannot explain the things that pictures can and here the words and pictures both are expressing the things in balance.
    hardsten keukenblad

  2. I enjoyed your entries on Toxic Words - such great thoughts and a wonderful reminder to watch the words I use - to be positive and kind and use words to build up rather than tear down. :)
    hardsten keukenblad
