
Fireplace Inspection & an Offer to Purchace

It is still a buyer market and I suspect in Calgary, a WETT inspection report may soon be a condition included in an offer to purchase a home. Bob Aaron, a Toronto Lawyer and blogger at Move Smartly writes,

"I was reviewing an offer to purchase a Toronto house last week and was surprised to see a condition that I had never seen before in an offer on a city home.

The clause made the agreement conditional on the buyer obtaining a satisfactory Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT) inspection report for the fireplace in the house."

Read the rest at Move Smartly.

If you need a WETT certified Inspector in Calgary, there is a data base at their website.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same feeling with you guys. I was about to hire a new fireplace inspection service for our us. When suddenly, one of my colleagues suggested a professional company which is renowned for this field, and it makes a sense. They have 24 hours service just to acquire our needs.
